19. April 2023

You get innovation and flexibility delivered with passion.


From HOWE, you can expect enthusiasm and genuine interest in your projects. As an architect or furniture dealer, you know that your clients expect the best. That's why you need a partner who can deliver top-quality furniture with impeccable functionality and timeless design. And that's where HOWE comes in.

You cooperate with a team that is passionate about functional design. To us, furniture should not only look beautiful but be practical and easy to use too. This is why we’ve become pioneers of furniture that folds, stacks, and rolls. Our chairs and tables are designed to meet the needs of modern workplaces and public spaces, where flexibility and versatility are essential.


You get service based on HOWE’s shared values: Flexibility, focus, innovation, passion, and humanity. We value personal responsibility and initiative highly; without a doubt, everyone at HOWE goes the extra mile for their customers.


You get fast and efficient support. We are a customer-centric company with more than 90 years of experience. With a streamlined local sales and customer service setup, we act fast to address different needs and solve any problem that comes up. Whatever is required to succeed with your project.


You get more than simple furniture; you get lasting, pragmatic, beautiful designs. Every HOWE solution is smart and intuitive. Development never stops, and the designs always evolve, just like people’s needs. We know that timeless furniture meeting the highest standards of quality and functionality requires close collaboration with designers as well as continual refining of our technical expertise.



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You get environment-friendly solutions. We are also a sustainable company in every possible aspect. Our top priority is to use materials and processes that are ecologically and socially responsible. As such, we are devoted to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices throughout our supply chain.


You get outstanding solutions that exceed expectations. At HOWE, we believe in a sense of movement. We believe that what we do not only moves the levels of craftsmanship or the confinements within design, but also moves the people who use our furniture every day. We offer service on par with the iconic quality of our designs. We are dedicated to delivering outstanding solutions that exceed our customers' expectations.

You can rely on us.

If you seek a partner who can offer you top-quality furniture with impeccable functionality and timeless design, look no further than HOWE. We are passionate, innovative, flexible, and highly dedicated to delivering excellent service to our clients. Let us help you create spaces that inspire and delight. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

Moving towards sustainability

HOWE has always been compelled by a strong focus on design’s purpose. This focus extends to sustainability.

HOWE guaranteeS a long-lasting and environmental solution performing strong on function and aesthetics


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