Dramatic, even scenic, and highly contemporary architecture
FURNITURE SOLUTION. A team-work, embracing the client, the architects, and the furniture supplier of Proform in Salzburg brought up a selection of furniture which in every way corresponded with the dramatic, even scenic, and highly contemporary architecture of Ernst Giselbrecht. The HOWE 40/4 chair, designed by David Rowland, and the HOWE Tempest table, redesigned by Komplot Design were chosen. The designs of the chair and table were instrumental for the Giselbrecht objective in the interior of the building: In preparation for future expansions to bring about a common denominator of urban charm and ambience on a level of ultimate quality.
MOTIVATION. The yardstick of quality is set for the future, and a main motif of modernity carries through the staging of the entire building. The HOWE products are truly modern, strong in character, yet sufficiently neutral in the total architectural orchestration. They possess a unique flexibility in mandatory request by Roche Diagnostics.
APPLICATION. Approximately 600 40/4 chairs in various editions are distributed in the V-shaped building as well as a total of 26 Tempest tables, designed by Howe and Komplot Design. In executive offices the Tempest table is in an elegant, black-tainted wood surface, accompanied by the 40/4 chair, upholstered in black leather and with armrests. The 40/4 chairs function as the general seating accommodations in offices and conference-rooms as well as in the neat staff restaurant, where an upholstered edition of black art-leather may be experienced.
ARCHITECT'S EVALUATION. Ernst Giselbrecht Architects: “As it is very important for us that the layout and equipment of the rooms support the concept of our architecture, we are permanently engaged in the research into furniture and interior decoration. In the case of Roche Diagnostics the 40/4 chair excels in the same way as the company. It is durable, solid, yet elegant and light. With great ease the Tempest tables apply to the flexibility and versatility, which are mandatory for Roche Diagnostics. It's a fine feature that the tables may be set in countless formations.”
CLIENT'S EVALUATION. “Roche Diagnostics have expressed their deep satisfaction with the solutions of the refurbishment. The client is very proud that numerous visitors from excursions and customer relations show appreciation that the furniture is a completely integral part in the overall expression of quality and company culture. Also Roche Diagnostics are constantly expanding, implying an ongoing need for post-deliveries. They are expediently being executed, much to the content of the client,” Ernst Giselbrecht says.
Roche Diagnostics is a significant, impressive new research building in Graz for the client Roche, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical industries. The Austrian headquarters and activities of the Roche research into bloodstream and viral related diseases are situated in the new facility, designed by the prominent Austrian architect Ernst Giselbrecht in the shape of a giant V for "victory". The project is the first in a cluster of biotechnology in the western section of Graz. It was awarded to Giselbrecht Architects, following an international competition.
CLIENT'S SPECIFICATIONS. The biotech sector is moving extremely fast, has done so for a number of years. Roche Pharmaceuticals is in the lead and wanted to establish state-of-the-art facilities for the front competence of blood analysis. Due to the pace of the development Roche Diagnostics focused in extreme on flexibility and the preparedness for further enhancement and expansion. Hence the layout and refurbishment of laboratories as well as of areas for administration and production must be optimised in terms of flexibility. At the same time the architecture and interior decoration should provide ergonomic and comfortable facilities for a staff of some 350 employees in research, development, administration, and in the manufacturing of gear and technology for blood analysis.

“The client is very proud that numerous visitors from excursions and customer relations show appreciation that the furniture is a completely integral part in the overall expression of quality and company culture.”
The Architect
Photo: Paul Ott

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